Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies (OAAS)
Open to anyone taking pictures at our 2012 Fair.
There is NO entry fee for this competition
- To help publicize the activities of all Agricultural Society Fairs in the OAAS
- To create real pride in the creation of well-kept grounds and buildings.
- To encourage more attractive staging of exhibitions and displays.
- To educate and provide a source of pride in a community’s development
- To communicate new ideas to other Fairs
- To establish an up to-date library of images for OAAS promotions
- No professional photographers permitted
- No digital image enhancing allowed
- The first place digital image or photo of each category from Drumbo Fair will be submitted to the OAAS for competition
- All images/photos must be taken at the 2012 Drumbo Fair
- Winners of each category will be announced at the 2013 annual OAAS Convention held in Toronto February 2013.
- Prize money will be mailed out following the 2013 Convention.
- All 1st place images will become the property of the OAAS.
- Full contest rules may be obtained from Drumbo Fair secretary, Nellie Pynenburg or from www.ontariofairs.com
- Submit entries to Fair secretary, Nellie Pynenburg, PO Box 37, Drumbo, ON N0J 1G0 by November 01, 2012
Prize money is awarded at the OAAS level only.
1st: $20, 2nd: $16, 3rd: $12, 4th: $7, 5th: $5
Categories for Digital Images. Note: Digital images may be submitted on a CD or printed 4”x6”.
- Youth Participation – i.e. exhibit/display/ribbons won, etc
- Adult/Senior involvement – i.e. working/displays/enjoying
- Candid shot of people having fun at Drumbo Fair
- Candid shot of someone too pooped to participate anymore
- Most unusual Display at Drumbo Fair – your idea
- 4-H Involvement - i.e. livestock/displays
- Homecraft – i.e. displays/demonstrations, etc
- Live Action Shows – singers/pulls/demo’s/demolition/something musical
- Quilts/Handicrafts at the Fair - from your viewpoint
- Displays of Antiques
- Livestock – i.e. displays/shows/demo’s
- Pet Show – your interpretation of what you see
- Live Demo’s - i.e. blacksmith/sheep sheering, etc
- Birds/ Small Animals i.e. bird show/rabbits, etc
- Showing Fair Identification – i.e. displays/ribbons, etc
- Fair Ambassador Involvement – i.e. displays/ribbons, etc
- What is this year’s fair theme? – i.e. displays/signs, etc
- Children at the Fair
- People/creatures and critters at the Fair
- Something "new" this year at the Fair
- An 8 x 10 PHOTO showing a fair sign/ constructed of Agricultural Products showing the Fair and the Date – i.e. store window/store front/ lawn display/field display, etc