Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies (OAAS)



1. To help publicize the activities of all Agricultural Societies and fairs in the OAAS.
2. To create pride in the activities of all Agricultural Societies and fairs in the OAAS.
3. To contribute to a library of images for OAAS promotions.


1. Competition is open to every member society of the OAAS.
2. Entries from each society to be submitted on a memory stick, identifying each image with class number and fair name.
3. Images must be taken in the current year by members, volunteers or visitors.
4. Images from professional photographers cannot be submitted.
5. Absolutely no digital image enhancement allowed. All enhanced images will be disqualified.
6. Judging will be done by a committee approved by the Convention Administrator.
7. Images will be shown, and awards presented at the upcoming OAAS Convention.
8. Prize money will be distributed to each winning society.
9. All images will become property of the OAAS and may be used for promotional use and posted without compensation or acknowledgement.
10.All entries must be mailed by your society to the OAAS. No electronic submissions will be accepted.
11.It is the responsibility of the Agricultural Society to obtain permission of use of any image submitted

Submit entries to Secretary, Drumbo Agricultural Society, 42 Centre Street, Drumbo, ON N0J 1G0 by November 01, 2023.

PRIZE MONEY: Awarded at the OAAS level only. 1st: $20, 2nd: $16, 3rd: $12, 4th: $7, 5th: $5


Youth up to age 15 years (as of December 31 of current year)
  1. Candid shot of people having fun at your fair
  2. Creatures and critters at your fair
  3. Brilliant colours at your fair
  4. Most unusual display at your fair


Human Involvement

5. Youth participation at the fair – e.g. exhibit, display, ribbons won, competitions, races, etc.
6. Adult/Senior involvement – e.g. working, displays, enjoying your fair.
7. Candid shot of children having fun at your fair.
8. Candid shot of someone too pooped to participate anymore.
9. 4-H involvement at your fair – e.g. livestock, displays.
10. People with creatures and critters at your fair.


11. Most unusual display at your fair.
12. Homecraft at your fair – e.g. displays, demonstrations, etc.
13. Live action shows – e.g. singers, pulls, demos, something musical, your fair at night.
14. Quilts/Handicrafts at your fair.
15. Display of machinery – e.g. tractors, vehicles, engines, farming equipment.


16. Animal show – e.g. livestock show, pet show, horse show.
17. Live demonstrations with animals – e.g. blacksmith, sheep shearing etc.
18. Reptiles/Birds/Small Animals – e.g. bird show, rabbits, etc.
19. Proud moment – e.g. winners with their ribbons.


20. Fair Ambassador involvement – e.g. with displays, ribbons, etc.
21. Promoting this year’s fair and/or theme – e.g. displays, signs, etc.