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List of Winners

Cecil Wells Best Heavy Horse on Grounds
Carmen Kyle Beef Cattle: Champion Bull
Carmen Kyle Beef Cattle:Champion Female
Robert Harrison Most points in Corn
Larenwood Farms Most points in Hay and Silage
Spencer Elmes Vegetables and Fruit
Marg Verkuil Cut Flowers
Sharon Grose Floral Design
Nellie Pynenburg Overall Champion in Plants and Flowers
Junia Hofer 2nd Most points in Plants and Flowers
Sharon Grose 3rd Most points in Plants and Flowers
Cathy Dibble New Exhibitor in Plants and Flowers
Jennifer Brown Baking, Canning Etc.
Shirley Eberhardt Handicrafts and Hobbies
Shirley Eberhardt Christmas Corner
Ann Baker, Shirley Eberhardt, Frances Schatz, Mary Spencer Sheep and Ewe class
Carol Eby and Mary Spencer Knitting
Sharon Lannin Champion Afghan
Shirley Eberhardt Grand Champion Quilt, hand quilted
Elaine Campbell Grand Champion, machine-quilted article
Mary Saunders Art: water colour
Gerri Korec Photography: digital enhanced as well as coloured and black and white
Gerri Korec Champion Coloured and Black & White Photos
Rachel Watts Intermediate Fair
Faith Brown School Fair overall
Caleb Canfield School Fair 2nd overall
Aaron Canfield School Fair 3rd overall
Shawnee Colombo Best Cat
Mathew Howling Best Dog

Judge’s Choice Selections:

Nellie Pynenburg Cut Flowers
Carol Cowan Floral Design
Bonnie Rounds Houseplants
Blake Hughes Woodworking, most creative entry
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