Antiques and Nostalgia 2016

Class 81

Committee: Laura Taylor (chair 519-463-5230), Linda Clare, Marilyn Murray, Lynn Stotesbury

Entries will be received on Thursday between 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and Friday between 9:00 to 10:00 a.m. and remain until 4:30 p.m. on Sunday


  1. All exhibitors must have a current Membership.
  2. Antiques must be at least 75 years old.
  3. Exhibitors may only enter 1 entry in each section.
  4. Exhibitors must own the article exhibited.
  5. Historical interest and approximate age of item would be appreciated.
  6. Articles will be removed from display area only by DAS Directors.
  7. Exhibitors tags must be securely fastened.
  8. Items will be judged on age and condition.
  9. Items must not have been entered before at Drumbo Fair.

NOTE: We will do our best to return all entries in the condition in which you brought them. However, all antiques and nostalgia items are exhibited at the owner's risk.

Section 1st 2nd 3rd
1-23, 25-30 $5.00 $4.00 $3.50
24 $2.00 for each entry


Section 1 to 10 sponsored by Drumbo & District Heritage Society


  1. 3 wood planes
  2. Shoe button hook
  3. Orange/lemon juice squeezer
  4. Ration book
  5. Oil bottle with spout
  6. Stove top lifter
  7. Tea tin
  8. Cruet set
  9. "Nippon" piece
  10. Collection of salt and peppers - 3 sets

Section 11 to 20 sponsored by Barbara Blake in memory of Bernard Blake

  1. Department store catalogue
  2. Wooden toy
  3. Local telephone directory
  4. Cast iron toy
  5. Chamber pot with lid
  6. Iron trivet
  7. Canadian military item
  8. Local advertising item
  9. Pre 1950 "Royalty" item
  10. Holiday post card

Section 21 to 22 sponsored by Dennis & Linda Baker:

PRE 1940

  1. Drumbo business receipt
  2. Drumbo business photo(3)

Section 23-24 sponsored by Princeton & District Historical Society:

  1. Heirloom Quilt, any size, made prior to 1950, not necessarily the work of the exhibitor. Please attach a short history of the quilt
  2. A Stumper" - What is it? Stump the Judge! Identify the article and its use and place answer in attached envelope


"Horse and Buggy Days"

Section 25 to 30 sponsored by Phil Harmer and Janet Harmer in memory of their parents, Ray & Esther Harmer.


  1. Horse shoe
  2. Horse brass
  3. Sleigh bells
  4. Old photograph - Horse(s) at work
  5. Old photograph - Family photo that includes horse(s)
  6. Any small horse item not mentioned. Please include name of item and its use