The Pet Show this year is VIRTUAL so don't bring your pets to the fair on September 25th.

Director in Charge: Jan McLaren 519-463-5426

Prize Money: 1st $3; 2nd $2; 3rd $1

RULES / guidelines

  • The virtual pet show is open to children age 14 years and under.
  • Some of the classes will ask you for a photo and some will ask for a short video.
  • Make your entries on line anytime between September 1 - 18 by going to and click on "Entries". You will find the Pet Show listed under the School Fair area.
  • Although you won't see them this year, the judges are the same people who judged the 2019 Pet Show.
  • If you win prize money, you can pick it up at the fairgrounds on Sunday, September 26, between 9:00am-noon.


All Pets

  1. Best dressed Owner/Pet Combination (photo)


  1. Fluffiest cat (photo)
  2. Most colourful cat (photo)


  1. Most unique trick (video)
  2. Dog with the most enthusiastic tail wag (video)


  1. Most colourful rabbit (photo)