COMMITTEE: John and Linda Sparks 519-320-9633






ENTRIES Complete entries online using above link. Entry forms may be printed and submitted by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Entries must be received by midnight Sunday, September 17.


ENTRIES CLOSE: Register your entries by midnight Sunday, September 17, 2023.

BRING EXHIBITS: On Wednesday, September 20, 2023 between 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm bring exhibits to the Big Tent at the fairgrounds. White entry tags to be attached before bringing items to the fairgrounds.

REMOVE EXHIBITS: Sunday, September 24, 2023 between 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm. Prize money cheques to be picked up at this time.

RULE: Vegetables and fruit to be grown by exhibitor unless otherwise noted.

GUIDELINES - What the judge looks for

  • Choose medium sized carrots, potatoes, and beets
  • Beets and carrots topped to 2.5 cm (1")
  • Choose regular shaped specimens. Leave stems attached.
  • Choose specimens as nearly the same shape and size as possible.
  • Potatoes: Wipe mud and dirt off. Polish with a dry cloth. Do not wash.
  • Choose large onions. Do not peel, only remove dirty outer skins. Top to 2.5-5 cm (1-2")
  • Choose large squash.
  • Pumpkins and squash must have stems on.

Prizes: 1st: $5.00, 2nd: $4.00, 3rd: $3.00. 



  1. Beans, dried, any variety, 500 ml container,  named, 
  2. Beets, any variety, 3
  3. Brussels sprouts, 1 litre / quart
  4. Cabbage, any variety, 1
  5. Carrots, long, over 5", 3 
  6. Carrots, medium, under 5", 3
  7. Corn, ornamental, 3
  8. Cucumbers for slicing, 3
  9. Garlic, 3 bulbs
  10. Onions, red, 3
  11. Onions, Spanish, 3
  12. Onions, yellow, 3
  13. Peppers, sweet, any colour, 3
  14. Peppers, hot, 4
  15. Potatoes, heaviest, 5
  16. Potatoes, red, named, 3-4 L basket
  17. Potatoes, white, named, 3-4 L basket
  18. Field pumpkin, 1
  19. Mini pumpkin, 2
  20. Pie pumpkin, 1
  21. Squash,  collection of 3 types, in suitable container, named
  22. Sunflower, largest head, no more than 1' stalk
  23. Sunflowers, 2 tied together. Heads less than 8"
  24. Tomatoes, truss of cherry variety
  25. Tomatoes, any colour (not cherry), stems on, 3
  26. Tomatoes, Roma, stems on, 3
  27. Zucchini, under 8", 2
  28. Zucchini, longest
  29. Vegetable not listed, named on tag
FRUIT - Section "FR"


  1. Apples, fall variety named, red, 4 
  2. Apples, fall variety named, green, 4 
  3. Apples, fall variety named, any other colour, 4 
  4. Berries, 1 pint, named
  5. Best muskmelon
  6. Best watermelon
SPECIALS - Section "SP"

Prizes: 1st: $15, 2nd: $10, 3rd: $5. Exception: class 1


  1. Largest Field Pumpkin by weight.  Prizes: $25, $15, $10. 1st prize sponsored in memory of Roger Demarest by his family.
  2. "Autumn Bounty" using fruit, flowers and vegetables to express the season. Maximum 4'x4', arrangement and variety to count. Not necessarily grown by exhibitor.
  3. "Best Collection of Vegetables" Maximum 10 kinds of vegetables, 2 of each kind, must include tomatoes. All vegetables to be named,  not to exceed 3'x3', number and arrangement of vegetables to count. Exhibitor's choice of container. Must be grown by exhibitor.
  4. Scarecrow - 3-5' tall. Must be able to stand or sit on its own.
"JUDGE'S CHOICE" in memory of Spencer Elmes

$10.00 and Rosette to best entry in:

Vegetables - sponsored by Keith and Susan Elmes

Fruit - sponsored by Neil and Monica Elmes

The EDNA PIPE AWARD to the exhibitor winning most points in Vegetables and Fruit. Specials not included. - $25.00 

Must enter minimum 10 exhibits