COMMITTEE: Eileen Hartig 519-463-5282 and Jan McLaren 519-463-5426 (co-chairs)



Download Entry Form 2024



ENTRIES Complete entries online using above link anytime between August 17 to midnight, Sunday, September 15. Entry forms may be printed and submitted by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  All entries must be received by midnight, Sunday, September 15.


ENTRIES CLOSE: Register your entries by midnight, Sunday, September 15, 2024.

BRING EXHIBITS:On Wednesday, September 18, 2024 between 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm bring exhibits to the Big Tent at the fairgrounds. Yellow entry tags to be attached before bringing items to the fairgrounds.

REMOVE EXHIBITS: Sunday, September 22, 2024 between 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm. Pick up prize money. 

Special Thanks to Our Sponsors:

Ayr Farmers Mutual Insurance Company, Jim’s Lunch, The Family of Mary Cowan. And to the sponsors of our “Specials Classes” – Cathy Bechard, Drumbo Firefighters Association, Drumbo Old Boys Slo-Pitch, Susan Elmes, Grant McLaren, Yeandle Farms.

 Art - Section A


  1. All works must be your own composition and completed within the past year.
  2. Please attach entry tag to upper right hand corner.

Prize Money:$2.50 - $2.00 - $1.50 - ribbons to 6th place

GRADE 1 to 4:


  1. Drawing - artist's choice
  2. Painting - artist's choice

GRADE 5 to 8:

  1. Oil or Acrylic - any subject
  2. Pastel, pencil or charcoal
  3. Watercolour - any subject
  4. Cartoon drawing

GRADE 9 to 12:

  1. Oil or Acrylic - any subject
  2. Pastel, pencil or charcoal
  3. Watercolour - any subject
  4. Any subject, any medium

 Baking - Section B

All baking must be on a disposable plate and in a plastic Ziploc bag. Baking to be homemade by the exhibitor unless otherwise specified.

Prizes: $2.50 - $2.00 - $1.50 - ribbons to 6th place



  1. One decorated cookie on a plate.  Decorated as a tree. Decoration only to be judged.


  1. One decorated cookie on a plate. Decorated as a tree. Decoration only to be judged.

GRADE 1 to 8:

  1. Muffins, homemade (3) - Your choice. Remove papers.
  2. Trail mix, homemade, in a Ziploc bag
  3. Brownies, homemade, not iced (3)
  4. Cupcakes, homemade, (3) decorated relating to our theme. Leave papers on.
  5. My favourite after school snack - homemade (3)
  6. Oatmeal cookies, homemade (3)

GRADE 9 to 12:

  1. I make the best.....(3), named on tag

Chocolate Chip Cookies- Section CC

Prizes: $5.00 - $4.00 - $3.00 - ribbons to 6th place

OPEN TO YOUTH UP TO AGE 15 YEARS (as of current year)

  1. Three (3) cookies, plain. no larger than 2.5" (6.5 cm) and no smaller than 2" (5 cm) on a plate. No nuts. The winner of this class will be asked to bake 6 cookies for the District Competition held in November.

Flowers - Section F

Prize Money: $2.50 - $2.00 - $1.50 - ribbons to 6th place



  1. "Look What I Found in the Woods" - a bouquet of flowers, weeds, sticks, etc


  1. A bouquet of flowers for mommy


  1. Rose, single bloom
  2. Geranium, 3 blooms, any colour
  3. Sunflower, 6" or under, 1 bloom
  4. Bouquet of Marigolds
  5. Bouquet of Salvia
  6. Bouquet of Cattails in a can. Total height not to exceed 75 cm (30")
  7. Bouquet of Sedums
  8. Bouquet of Zinnias


  1. "A Walk in the Country" in an unique container


  1. "A Walk in the Country" in an unique container

GRADE 9 TO 12:

  1. A garden bouquet of your choosing

Grain and Corn - Section: G/C

Prize Money: $2.50 - $2.00 - $1.50 - ribbons to 6th place



  1. Corn, suitable for grain, 5 ears with husks removed
  2. Corn, sheaf of 6 stalks with ears attached
  3. Corn, longest ear, remove husk
  4. Tallest stalk of corn - without roots
  5. Sunflower, largest head, no more than 1 foot of stalk
  6. Soybean Plant with the most pods. Write the number of pods on your entry tag
  7. A 1 pint jar FULL of dry shelled corn


2024 Theme "And Into the Woods We Go"

Creativity and originality to count. Sorry, no Lego, K'nex, Duplo, etc. allowed.

Prize Money: $2.50 - $2.00 - $1.50 - ribbons to 6th place



  1. Stuffed animal - dressed as a gnome
  2. Colour a picture of a squirrel
  3. Using a paper plate make a turtle
  4. Necklace - made from pasta and other materials
  5. Any craft not listed, NOT made from a kit


  1. On black paper print the word TREES - using pasta
  2. Make a paper bag puppet of an owl
  3. Necklace - using beads, buttons, etc.
  4. Draw and colour a picture of a fox
  5. Sponge paint tree(s) in autumn colours
  6. Any craft not listed, NOT made from a kit

GRADE 1 & 2:

  1. Cut out 5 pictures of things found in the woods
  2. Make an animal, your choice, using a paper plate(s) and decorate
  3. Collection from a walk in the woods - 6 items in a container of your choice
  4. Make a raccoon mask
  5. Paint a rock animal, your choice
  6. Any craft not listed made from a kit
  7. Any craft not listed, NOT made from a kit

GRADE 3 & 4:

  1. Make a forest animal, any medium
  2. Draw an ogre and give it a name
  3. Handprint a list of 5 birds and 5 animals found in the woods. Judged on neatness and spelling
  4. Create Robin Hood's bow and arrow
  5. Draw a skunk and tell us why he stinks
  6. Any craft not listed made from a kit
  7. Any craft not listed, NOT made from a kit

GRADE 5 & 6:

  1. Draw and identify one of Snow White's Seven Dwarfs
  2. Collection from a walk in the woods - 6 items in a container of your choice
  3. Make an ogre and name it
  4. Draw and identify an animal or bird found in the wetlands. e.g. beaver, heron
  5. Create a fairy garden in a suitable container
  6. Any craft not listed made from a kit
  7. Any craft not listed, NOT made from a kit

GRADE 7 & 8:

  1. Draw and identify an animal or bird found in the wetlands. e.g. beaver, heron
  2. Create a fairy garden in a suitable container
  3. Make a beaver lodge. Place on sturdy base.
  4. Handmade item of jewellery
  5. Any craft not listed, made from a kit
  6. Any craft not listed, NOT made from a kit

Natural Finds - Section NF

Prizes:$2.50 - $2.00 - $1.50 - ribbons to 6th place


  1. PreSchool - An unusual natural find
  2. Jr K & K - An unusual natural find
  3. Gr 1 & 2 - An unusual natural find. Identified on tag.
  4. Gr 3 & 4 - An unusual natural find. Identified on tag.
  5. Gr 5 & 6 - An unusual natural find. Identified on tag and tell us why why find it interesting.
  6. Gr 7 & 8 - An unusual natural find. Identified. What are its unique qualities? Why do you find it unusual & interesting?
  7. Gr 9-12 - An unusual natural find. Identified. What are its unique qualities? Why do you find it unusual & interesting?

Photography - Section P

  1. Pictures must have been taken by EXHIBITOR in the past year.
  2. No enlargements.
  3. All photos must be mounted on stiff paper or thin cardboard.
  4. Place entry tag on upper Right Hand corner for ease of display.

Prizes:$2.50 - $2.00 - $1.50 - ribbons to 6th place

GRADE 3 to 8


  1. Snails, slugs, worms, your choice
  2. Green - predominate colour in the photo is yellow
  3. Up through the trees
  4. Pond reflections
  5. Feathered friends
  6. Autumn Leaves
  7. My favourite pet
  8. Fungus, Lichen or Moss
  9. All in a row
  10. Nature close-up

GRADE 9 to 12

  1. Goofy faces in your selfie
  2. My favourite photo


Prize Money: $5.00 - $4.00 - $3.00 - ribbons to 6th place


GRADE 1 to 4:

  1. Make a bug hotel
  2. A School Project of which you are proud. Project may be from 2023 school year.
  3. Draw the map that leads to the treasure. Include the treasure and its container.
  4. Using this year’s theme, construct a family tree/pedigree chart of at least four generations of your family. Include as much information as possible.
  5. Draw a tree and cover with tissue paper leaves.
  6. Make a picture collage of woodland creatures. Approximate maximum size 57x72cm.
  7. Make a wild turkey using a flowerpot as a base.

GRADE 5 to 8:

  1. Make a nature mobile, ready to hang.
  2. A school project of which you are proud. Project may be from 2023 school year.
  3. Make a bug hotel.
  4. Using this year’s theme, construct a family tree/pedigree chart of at least four generations of your family. Include as much info as possible.
  5. Using twigs and pebbles create a miniature campfire. Mount on a 30.5x30.5cm sturdy base.
  6. Secrets of Benwell Swamp. Where is the swamp and why does it have secrets?
  7. Draw the map that leads to the treasure. Include the found treasure and its container.

GRADE 9 to 12:

  1. A school project of which you are proud. Project may be from 2023 school year.
  2. Secrets of Benwell Swamp. Where is the swamp and why does it have secrets?

Vegetables and Fruit - Section: V/F

How To Prepare Vegetables and Fruit for judging. (This is what the judge looks for)

  1. Chose medium sized carrots, potatoes and beets.
  2. Choose regular shaped specimens. Leave stems attached.
  3. Choose specimens as nearly the same shape and size as possible.
  4. Potatoes: wipe mud and dirt off and polish with dry cloth. Do not wash.
  5. Choose large onions. Do not peel, only remove dirty, outer skins, topped to 2.5-5 cm (1-2")
  6. Choose large squash.
  7. Pumpkins and Squash must have stems on.

Prize Money: $2.50 - $2.00 - $1.50 - ribbons to 6th place



  1. Apples, variety to be named, (5) on a plate
  2. Beets, topped to 2.5 cm (1"), (3)
  3. Carrots, 12.5 cm or longer, topped to 2.5 cm (1"), (3)
  4. Fattest Cucumber
  5. Garlic (3)
  6. Largest Onion
  7. Onions, Spanish (3)
  8. Onions, other than Spanish (3)
  9. Pears, variety to be named (3)
  10. Peppers, hot (3)
  11. Peppers, Sweet (3)
  12. Potatoes, White (3)
  13. Potatoes, Red (3)
  14. Potato with the most eyes
  15. Field Pumpkin
  16. Pie Pumpkin
  17. Smallest Pie Pumpkin (not a gourd)
  18. Largest Pumpkin or Squash - by circumference
  19. Squash, Butternut (1)
  20. Squash, Pepper (2)
  21. Tomatoes, large variety (3)
  22. Watermelon (1)
  23. Longest Zucchini
  24. Unusually Shaped Vegetable
  25. Any Vegetable from the garden not mentioned above, named on tag