COMMITTEE: Eileen Hartig 519-463-5282 and Jan McLaren 519-463-5426 (co-chairs)
ENTRIES Complete entries online using above link anytime between August 17 to midnight, Sunday, September 15. Entry forms may be printed and submitted by
ENTRIES CLOSE: Register your entries by midnight, Sunday, September 15, 2024.
BRING EXHIBITS:On Wednesday, September 18, 2024 between 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm bring exhibits to the Big Tent at the fairgrounds. Yellow entry tags to be attached before bringing items to the fairgrounds.
REMOVE EXHIBITS: Sunday, September 22, 2024 between 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm. Pick up prize money.
Special Thanks to Our Sponsors:
Ayr Farmers Mutual Insurance Company, Jim’s Lunch, The Family of Mary Cowan. And to the sponsors of our “Specials Classes” – Cathy Bechard, Drumbo Firefighters Association, Drumbo Old Boys Slo-Pitch, Susan Elmes, Grant McLaren, Yeandle Farms.
Art - Section A
- All works must be your own composition and completed within the past year.
- Please attach entry tag to upper right hand corner.
Prize Money:$2.50 - $2.00 - $1.50 - ribbons to 6th place
GRADE 1 to 4:
- Drawing - artist's choice
- Painting - artist's choice
GRADE 5 to 8:
- Oil or Acrylic - any subject
- Pastel, pencil or charcoal
- Watercolour - any subject
- Cartoon drawing
GRADE 9 to 12:
- Oil or Acrylic - any subject
- Pastel, pencil or charcoal
- Watercolour - any subject
- Any subject, any medium
Baking - Section B
All baking must be on a disposable plate and in a plastic Ziploc bag. Baking to be homemade by the exhibitor unless otherwise specified.
Prizes: $2.50 - $2.00 - $1.50 - ribbons to 6th place
- One decorated cookie on a plate. Decorated as a tree. Decoration only to be judged.
- One decorated cookie on a plate. Decorated as a tree. Decoration only to be judged.
GRADE 1 to 8:
- Muffins, homemade (3) - Your choice. Remove papers.
- Trail mix, homemade, in a Ziploc bag
- Brownies, homemade, not iced (3)
- Cupcakes, homemade, (3) decorated relating to our theme. Leave papers on.
- My favourite after school snack - homemade (3)
- Oatmeal cookies, homemade (3)
GRADE 9 to 12:
- I make the best.....(3), named on tag
Chocolate Chip Cookies- Section CC
Prizes: $5.00 - $4.00 - $3.00 - ribbons to 6th place
OPEN TO YOUTH UP TO AGE 15 YEARS (as of current year)
- Three (3) cookies, plain. no larger than 2.5" (6.5 cm) and no smaller than 2" (5 cm) on a plate. No nuts. The winner of this class will be asked to bake 6 cookies for the District Competition held in November.
Flowers - Section F
Prize Money: $2.50 - $2.00 - $1.50 - ribbons to 6th place
- "Look What I Found in the Woods" - a bouquet of flowers, weeds, sticks, etc
- A bouquet of flowers for mommy
- Rose, single bloom
- Geranium, 3 blooms, any colour
- Sunflower, 6" or under, 1 bloom
- Bouquet of Marigolds
- Bouquet of Salvia
- Bouquet of Cattails in a can. Total height not to exceed 75 cm (30")
- Bouquet of Sedums
- Bouquet of Zinnias
- "A Walk in the Country" in an unique container
- "A Walk in the Country" in an unique container
GRADE 9 TO 12:
- A garden bouquet of your choosing
Grain and Corn - Section: G/C
Prize Money: $2.50 - $2.00 - $1.50 - ribbons to 6th place
- Corn, suitable for grain, 5 ears with husks removed
- Corn, sheaf of 6 stalks with ears attached
- Corn, longest ear, remove husk
- Tallest stalk of corn - without roots
- Sunflower, largest head, no more than 1 foot of stalk
- Soybean Plant with the most pods. Write the number of pods on your entry tag
- A 1 pint jar FULL of dry shelled corn
2024 Theme "And Into the Woods We Go"
Creativity and originality to count. Sorry, no Lego, K'nex, Duplo, etc. allowed.
Prize Money: $2.50 - $2.00 - $1.50 - ribbons to 6th place
- Stuffed animal - dressed as a gnome
- Colour a picture of a squirrel
- Using a paper plate make a turtle
- Necklace - made from pasta and other materials
- Any craft not listed, NOT made from a kit
- On black paper print the word TREES - using pasta
- Make a paper bag puppet of an owl
- Necklace - using beads, buttons, etc.
- Draw and colour a picture of a fox
- Sponge paint tree(s) in autumn colours
- Any craft not listed, NOT made from a kit
GRADE 1 & 2:
- Cut out 5 pictures of things found in the woods
- Make an animal, your choice, using a paper plate(s) and decorate
- Collection from a walk in the woods - 6 items in a container of your choice
- Make a raccoon mask
- Paint a rock animal, your choice
- Any craft not listed made from a kit
- Any craft not listed, NOT made from a kit
GRADE 3 & 4:
- Make a forest animal, any medium
- Draw an ogre and give it a name
- Handprint a list of 5 birds and 5 animals found in the woods. Judged on neatness and spelling
- Create Robin Hood's bow and arrow
- Draw a skunk and tell us why he stinks
- Any craft not listed made from a kit
- Any craft not listed, NOT made from a kit
GRADE 5 & 6:
- Draw and identify one of Snow White's Seven Dwarfs
- Collection from a walk in the woods - 6 items in a container of your choice
- Make an ogre and name it
- Draw and identify an animal or bird found in the wetlands. e.g. beaver, heron
- Create a fairy garden in a suitable container
- Any craft not listed made from a kit
- Any craft not listed, NOT made from a kit
GRADE 7 & 8:
- Draw and identify an animal or bird found in the wetlands. e.g. beaver, heron
- Create a fairy garden in a suitable container
- Make a beaver lodge. Place on sturdy base.
- Handmade item of jewellery
- Any craft not listed, made from a kit
- Any craft not listed, NOT made from a kit
Natural Finds - Section NF
Prizes:$2.50 - $2.00 - $1.50 - ribbons to 6th place
- PreSchool - An unusual natural find
- Jr K & K - An unusual natural find
- Gr 1 & 2 - An unusual natural find. Identified on tag.
- Gr 3 & 4 - An unusual natural find. Identified on tag.
- Gr 5 & 6 - An unusual natural find. Identified on tag and tell us why why find it interesting.
- Gr 7 & 8 - An unusual natural find. Identified. What are its unique qualities? Why do you find it unusual & interesting?
- Gr 9-12 - An unusual natural find. Identified. What are its unique qualities? Why do you find it unusual & interesting?
Photography - Section P
- Pictures must have been taken by EXHIBITOR in the past year.
- No enlargements.
- All photos must be mounted on stiff paper or thin cardboard.
- Place entry tag on upper Right Hand corner for ease of display.
Prizes:$2.50 - $2.00 - $1.50 - ribbons to 6th place
GRADE 3 to 8
- Snails, slugs, worms, your choice
- Green - predominate colour in the photo is yellow
- Up through the trees
- Pond reflections
- Feathered friends
- Autumn Leaves
- My favourite pet
- Fungus, Lichen or Moss
- All in a row
- Nature close-up
GRADE 9 to 12
- Goofy faces in your selfie
- My favourite photo
Prize Money: $5.00 - $4.00 - $3.00 - ribbons to 6th place
GRADE 1 to 4:
- Make a bug hotel
- A School Project of which you are proud. Project may be from 2023 school year.
- Draw the map that leads to the treasure. Include the treasure and its container.
- Using this year’s theme, construct a family tree/pedigree chart of at least four generations of your family. Include as much information as possible.
- Draw a tree and cover with tissue paper leaves.
- Make a picture collage of woodland creatures. Approximate maximum size 57x72cm.
- Make a wild turkey using a flowerpot as a base.
GRADE 5 to 8:
- Make a nature mobile, ready to hang.
- A school project of which you are proud. Project may be from 2023 school year.
- Make a bug hotel.
- Using this year’s theme, construct a family tree/pedigree chart of at least four generations of your family. Include as much info as possible.
- Using twigs and pebbles create a miniature campfire. Mount on a 30.5x30.5cm sturdy base.
- Secrets of Benwell Swamp. Where is the swamp and why does it have secrets?
- Draw the map that leads to the treasure. Include the found treasure and its container.
GRADE 9 to 12:
- A school project of which you are proud. Project may be from 2023 school year.
- Secrets of Benwell Swamp. Where is the swamp and why does it have secrets?
Vegetables and Fruit - Section: V/F
How To Prepare Vegetables and Fruit for judging. (This is what the judge looks for)
- Chose medium sized carrots, potatoes and beets.
- Choose regular shaped specimens. Leave stems attached.
- Choose specimens as nearly the same shape and size as possible.
- Potatoes: wipe mud and dirt off and polish with dry cloth. Do not wash.
- Choose large onions. Do not peel, only remove dirty, outer skins, topped to 2.5-5 cm (1-2")
- Choose large squash.
- Pumpkins and Squash must have stems on.
Prize Money: $2.50 - $2.00 - $1.50 - ribbons to 6th place
- Apples, variety to be named, (5) on a plate
- Beets, topped to 2.5 cm (1"), (3)
- Carrots, 12.5 cm or longer, topped to 2.5 cm (1"), (3)
- Fattest Cucumber
- Garlic (3)
- Largest Onion
- Onions, Spanish (3)
- Onions, other than Spanish (3)
- Pears, variety to be named (3)
- Peppers, hot (3)
- Peppers, Sweet (3)
- Potatoes, White (3)
- Potatoes, Red (3)
- Potato with the most eyes
- Field Pumpkin
- Pie Pumpkin
- Smallest Pie Pumpkin (not a gourd)
- Largest Pumpkin or Squash - by circumference
- Squash, Butternut (1)
- Squash, Pepper (2)
- Tomatoes, large variety (3)
- Watermelon (1)
- Longest Zucchini
- Unusually Shaped Vegetable
- Any Vegetable from the garden not mentioned above, named on tag