Appreciation Night 2012

Marg Verkuil, President of the Drumbo Agricultural Society welcomed all to the Drumbo Fair Appreciation Night held Friday, October 19th. Greetings from our ambassador, Reta McLean, were read. Sponsors, directors, volunteers and the fair’s award winners gathered for a social evening. A slideshow featuring the 2012 fair was shown while guests enjoyed wine and cheese and other goodies.

The grand champion quilts were on display. Quilt, hand quilted was made by Bernice Dickout and the quilt, machine-quilted was made by Deb Desforges. These, along with posters made by Katherine Pravdin and Brynn Dickau will go on to competition at the District level next week.

Marg thanked the sponsors and presented Certificates of Appreciation to those at the Platinum and Gold levels. Volunteers were recognized for their contribution to the success of the 2012 fair.

Presentation of plaques, awards and medallions followed. Presentations were made by the convenors and chairpersons of each area. Photos were taken for the Ayr News and a social time followed.

2012 Fair Champs

Brenda Bradshaw
Best Heavy Horse on Grounds
Martin Mason
Beef Cattle: Champion Bull
Thomas Bird
Beef Cattle: Champion Female
Martin Mason
Beef Cattle: Breeder's Herd Champion
Bernie Pynenburg
Corn: Champion
Larenwood Farms
Hay and Silage:Champion
Spencer Elmes
Vegetables and Fruit: Champion
Pat Gillespie
Cut Flowers: Most Points
Donna Ferreira
Floral Design: Most Points
Pat Gillespie
Plants and Flowers: Champion
Laurie Cadwell
Baking, Canning, etc: Champion
Judi Meadows
Christmas Corner: Most Points
Jean Barron
Machine Sewing: Most Points
Gerri Korec
Golden Age: Most Points
Mary Spencer & Helen Lee
Knitting: Most Points
Sharon Lannin
Afghan: Champion
Bernice Dickout
Quilt, hand-quilted: Champion
Deb Desforges
Quilt, machine-quilted: Champion
Madeline Shoemaker
Art: Most Points
Gerri Korec
Photography: Most Points
Rose Entz
Photography, coloured: Champion
Pauline Finch
Photography, black & white: Champion
Ben Tindale
Pre-School: Most Points
Greta Ofner
JK and SK: Most Points
Cole Hofer
Gr 1 and 2: Most Points
Jade Hofer
Gr 3 and 4: Most Points
Ethan Low
Gr 5 and 6: Most Points
Faith Brown
Gr 7 and 8: Most Points
Colton Jones
Gr 9 to 12: Most Points
Jade Hofer
School Fair to Gr 8: Champion


Judges’ Choice Awards

Pat Gillespie
Cut Flowers
Junia Hofer
Floral Design
Laureen Duncan
House Plants
John Rombout



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